If you have IRS troubles, the best option might be to sell your home with back taxes before you lose it. If you think the IRS will be filing a lien, your best chance to be unburdened with back taxes is to sell your home fast! Time is the enemy, you will not have time to list your house, schedule an open house, wait for real estate agents or mortgage approvals, pay for repairs and then wait for lawyers to process your papers. Selling your house for cash can significantly better your life from back taxes.
Here are other things to consider when you have a house with back taxes:
- Local government will add interest to your back taxes until you pay.
- The tax collector may file a tax lien against you and your property will foreclosed.
- Your property might go up for auction and you will lose the house.
- Tax collector can use various collection tools to get the money owed and harass you.